Memory Activism & Public Remembrance
28 of January 2025 15:00
"Landscape Archive" exhibition
The exhibition “Landscape archive” discusses uncommemorated burial sites of Holocaust victims located on Polish territory. The term Holocaust immediately evokes the image of extermination camps, such as Auschwitz and Treblinka. Meanwhile, the region of Central and Eastern Europe is heavily dotted with the forgotten graves of Jews murdered outside the camps.
December 5-6, 2024
Interdisciplinary seminar on research on Holocaust sites
On December 5 and 6, the Zapomniane Foundation, together with representatives of researchers, organized an expert seminar hosted by our partner, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. It took the form of a seminar for young and/or intermediate Holocaust scholars from Poland and abroad.
November 27, 2024
Participatory memory workshops - Krzywowólka
On November 27, 2024, at the Complex of Schools in Sławatycze, the Zapomniane Foundation team conducted participatory memory workshops around the burial site of a Jewish woman buried in Krzywowólka. The Jewish woman Binefowa, a miller's wife and resident of Krzywowólka, was murdered by the Ukrainian police in 1942 and buried in the animal cemetery in Krzywowólka. Until now, her burial site had remained invisible.
November 14, 2024 9.00 - 16.10
Sensitive Legacy in University Collections: Between Adaptation and Restitution
Join the conference “Sensitive Legacy in University Collections: Between Adaptation and Restitution”. The aim of the event is to learn about and discuss Australian, German and Polish perspectives on the problematic collection of human remains, ethnographic objects and photographs created in the early 20th century by the German researcher Hermann Klaatsch, which is currently in the collections of the University of Wrocław. This collection is the starting point for our discussion on the status of such collections, their cultural biography and, above all, whether their use in contemporary research is justified.
November 13, 2024 18.00 - 20.00
Panel discussion “Sensitive heritage of Wrocław at exhibitions”
We invite you to an event accompanying the conference “Sensitive Legacy in University Collections: Between Adaptation and Restitution”. In a pre-conference panel discussion, we will talk with representatives of academia and museums about the sensitive heritage of Wrocław in exhibitions – in the context of their creation and communication – and projects at the intersection of art-science-activism.
October 29, 2024
Memory poles. strategies of rebuilding the identity of the Bródno Jewish Cemetery
The event of unveiling tombstones and commemorating 3 graves took place on October 29th, 2024, at the Bródno Jewish Cemetery in Warsaw’s Praga-Targówek district.
The Jewish Cemetery in Bródno is a destroyed burial site. Thousands of individuals buried there have no headstones, and for years, the locations of their graves seemed irretrievably lost—especially in the area outside the fenced terrain.Warszawa
October 17, 2024
Seminar "Beyond the architecture of fear"
The seminar aimed to explore the complex relationship between memory and trauma in the context of commemorative sites. During the event, speakers presented ways in which spatial forms of commemoration can help to deal with emotions related to a difficult past, as well as the role of the landscape in which they are created. They also presented possibilities of creating alternative commemorations to the dominant and highly emotional ones that are often used in such places.
16.10.2024, 20.10.2024
Sukkot. Multimemo on the road
Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, commemorates the 40-year journey of the Israelites through the desert on their way to the Promised Land. On Sukkot 2024, the Jewish Community Center JCC Warsaw invited our community (and all interested parties) to reflect and discover the tradition of Sukkot during a mini-festival.
Mini-festival consisted of two events: a culinary workshop with Junona Lamcha-Grynberg and “The Sugihara List.” Author’s meeting with Zofia Hartman. -
4.10.2024 - 28.11.2024
Opening of the exhibition “Esther's Willow” and accompanying events in Chrzanów
The Jewish Culture Days in Chrzanów began with the opening of the Esther's Willow exhibition on October 4, 2024 in the lobby of the Chrzanów Municipal Public Library, offering an in-depth exploration of multidimensional memory and multicultural intersections. Through art, poetry, and community engagement, the event shed light on the multilayered history and diverse cultural heritage of Chrzanów.
September 28
Opening of the exhibition “We Are Here”
A collective exhibition of nine Jewish artists whose works were presented in the previous months at the POLIN Museum in the form of individual shows. The rotating gallery features: Zofia Janina Borysiewicz, Kamila Czosnyk, Majk Hercberg, Maria Ka, Dominika Laster, Alex Roth, Gabi von Seltmann, Hana Umeda, Julie Weitz.
Zbliżenia Festival 2024
The Zbliżenia Foundation initiated several initiatives related to the 12th edition of the Jewish Culture Festival, which took place on September 11–15, 2024. The aim of the festival was to present Jewish culture and restore the memory of the local Jewish community. The program included concerts, workshops, book discussions, and events that emphasized Polish-Jewish-German relations, with particular emphasis on the role of women in contemporary Judaism.
June 23, 2024
Memory, nature and cult - the place of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno in the future of Warsaw
June 23, 2024
Memory, nature and worship – the place of the Jewish cemetery in Bródno in the future of Warsaw
Poles of Memory: Strategies for Rebuilding the Identity of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno.
In light of the very unclear future of the Bródno cemetery, the aim of the event was to gather a group of people who could be considered partners in the Jewish community's struggle to preserve the entire area of this particular Jewish cemetery.Warszawa
21.06.2024 – 2.07.2024
FestivAlt 2024
FestivALT, as a Jewish multidisciplinary cultural organization, organizes an annual festival of contemporary art, performance, and activism—critically engaged, exploring the complexities of Jewish life in Poland today.
This year’s theme was Gilgul, which means “circle” in Hebrew. It is also the Jewish concept of reincarnation. According to this, the imperfect human soul continues to strive for perfection; it repeats its cycle until it corrects the mistakes of the past. The festival’s exploration of Gilgul provided a thematic thread that connected the various events and performances, inviting participants to consider cycles of history, identity, and memory in personal and communal contexts.Kraków
June 15, 2024
Dialogues in Sobibor. Discussion and guided tour of the Museum and Memorial Site in Sobibór.
During the workshops held at the Museum and Memorial Site in Sobibór, the authors of the commemoration project, members of the Formy Wspólne Foundation, presented the process of its creation over a period of over 10 years. They talked about the consultations and negotiations on design solutions, conducted among others with the Rabbinical Commission for Cemeteries, representatives of the families of victims from the Netherlands, representatives of the Yad Vashem Institute and members of the international Steering Committee, composed of representatives of Poland, Israel, the Netherlands and Slovakia, which supervised the entire process until the beginning of construction.
June 13-14, 2024
Conference "Give the Right Word to Things"
The Department of Borderland Sociology of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław, the Polish Memory Studies Group, the Wrocław branch of the Polish Sociological Association, OP ENHEIM and the Urban Memory Foundation invite you to the conference "Give the Right Word to Things. Objects in the Post-Yalta Perspective", which will take place on June 13 and 14, 2024 in Wrocław.
Wrocław, Poland
June 9, 2024
Meeting with the local community - neighbors and residents of Praga and Bródno
The meeting at the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw - Bródno took place at 1pm on June 9 2024. The meeting was hosted by directors and caretakers of the Jewish cemeteries in Warsaw. The Jewish cemetery located in Bródno - a neglected part of Warsaw’s Praga, is where the interactions with the local community often remain difficult.
The host’s aim was to invite members of the local community to give them a perspective of all problems and difficulties the Jewish side must approach, when protecting burial sites.Warsaw
June 3, 2024
Participatory memory workshops with the local community in Olszewnica Nowa
On June 3, another event took place as part of the series of participatory memory workshops for the local community at the Józef Wybicki Primary School in Janówek. The aim of the workshops was to restore the memory of the burial place of 120 Roma and Jews buried in the forest in Olszewnica Nowa, murdered by the German gendarmerie on August 15, 1942.
Young people from two grades of primary school took part in the workshops. Together, we renovated two wooden plaques in the form of tombstones, and then, using a portable laser-cut device, we engraved inscriptions and symbols on the tombstones.Olszewnica Nowa
May 29 - September 29, 2024
Exhibition : Putting Things Back. Jewish Breslauers and their Objects
Packed things, only the most necessary or all belongings – everyday items, furniture, books, family souvenirs, works of art and non-obvious trinkets – left with the Haddas, Freunds, Herzs, Tischlers, Zadiks, Falks, Sklarzs, Peritzs and many other families from pre-war Breslau during the Nazi persecution. Like their owners, they were never to return.
Wrocław, Poland
May 20, 2024
Dialogue in creating a space of commemoration. Participants - challenges - conditions.
On May 20, 2024, a training workshop was held in Wrocław for various groups preparing celebrations and commemorative activities. The aim was to equip participants with useful tools and methods for organizing multi-directional, inclusive commemoration activities.
In the first part of our meeting, representatives of three foundations: Formy Wspólne from Warsaw, Urban Memory from Wrocław and Brama Cukermana from Będzin talked about the background of working with places with difficult memory, on the example of Sobibór, the extermination camp and the Jewish cemetery at ul. Gwarna in Wrocław and the Fighters' House in the former ghetto in Będzin.Wrocław
21.03.2024 - 20.05.2024
Makkabi/Still Standing 2024
The “Still Standing” project is an innovative undertaking aimed at using movement and dance as tools of commemoration, in which the body is treated as a living sculpture created in relation to the place. “Still Standing” aims to recall and commemorate places related to the common Polish-Jewish history. In the spring of 2024, a new edition of “Still Standing” took place, which consisted of organizing a series of educational workshops-sessions for Krakow youth and young adults, focused on the history of the former Jewish sports club Makkabi Krakow, which had a stadium in Krakow.
Participatory memory workshop - Wysokie Mazowieckie
On May 14, we conducted a participatory remembrance workshop in Wysokie Mazowieckie with young people from the Vocational Training Center school. Together with the youth, we prepared a wooden marker in the form of a tombstone, and then, using a portable laser cut device, we engraved the inscription "Here rest Jews of blessed memory murdered during the Holocaust” into the marker.
After the co-creative part, together with the youth, we symbolically marked the burial site of about 14 Jews located in a local Jewish cemetery on ul. Żwirki i Wigury. Jewish cemetery in Wysokie Mazowieckie in 1942-1943 it was the place of execution and burial of Holocaust victims.Wysokie Mazowieckie
6.5.2024 18:30
Green Commemoration. Towards new strategies for remembering in public space.
How to deal with places of difficult heritage? How to include green space in commemorating the Holocaust? How to create open, respectful spaces enabling symbolic dialogue between victims and survivors and research, activist, artistic and local communities? How to consciously use the potential of non-human memory actors in times of the ongoing climate crisis?
25-26 April 2024
Archival Research on Jewish Architects in Pre-war Breslau / Wrocław
The two-day event held in Wrocław on April 25 and 26, 2024, focused on the history, research, and legacy of Jewish architects from pre-war Breslau, now Wrocław. The event was organized in close partnership with the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, the Construction Archive of the City of Wrocław, and the Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław.
Participatory memory meeting – Szczebrzeszyn
On March 20 in Szczebrzeszyn, the Zapomniane Foundation conducted an event around the mass burial sites at the Jewish cemetery in Szczebrzeszyn. We conducted research (GPR) of mass burials in a historic cemetery. Thanks to them, the boundaries of four large, mass burials were marked. Over 2.3 thousand people were buried there. people. They were Jewish inhabitants of the city, murdered by the Germans in 1942.
On the initiative and in cooperation with the Place Attention Foundation, together with local memory activists and representatives of local government authorities, we marked this place with a symbolic wooden tombstone.
This is the beginning of a process aimed at permanently commemorating these burials.Szczebrzeszyn
March 8, 2024
Discovering the Jewish cemetery in Wrzeszcz. History of the place and community.
On March 8, 2024, another event took place as part of the MultiMemo project, organized by the partner organization Formy Wspólne. The event took the form of presenting an outline of the history of Jews in Gdańsk and Wrzeszcz, which was incorporated into Gdańsk at the beginning of the 19th century. The location of the cemetery in relation to the immediate vicinity was discussed. We also focused on Gdańsk's memory and oblivion of Jews and their necropolis.
30 stycznia 2024
Making the invisible visible
The expert seminar on Janowska camp in Lviv was organized in Lublin in collaboration with The Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin, Department of Jewish Culture and History, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and the Lviv Center for Urban History (Lviv, Ukraine). The event took place at the Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre and had the form of a seminar that brought together researchers dealing with the Janowska camp in Lviv, specialists associated with institutions at former camp sites in Poland, and experts dealing with Holocaust archeology & non-invasive research.
21st of January 2024
Echoes of Remembrance – A Journey through Memories
The dissemination conference of the MultiMemo project "Multidirectional memory: remembering for social justice" and the joint artistic event commemorating the Holocaust "Echoes of Memory" - a journey through memories were organized by CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe in cooperation with the Jewish Museum of Belgium. The event aimed to promote and explore commemoration through a multidirectional approach to Holocaust memory, with the participation of professionals, academic speakers and artists.
November 23-24, 2023
As part of the MultiMemo project, our partner organization Urban Memory Foundation organized a series of three events in Wrocław on November 23 and 24, 2023, related to the premiere of the book “Breslau/Wrocław 1933 – 1949: Studies on the topography of the Holocaust”, touching on topics related to the project. The series included: 1) a scientific session, 2) a public session as part of the OP_BOOKS series and 3) a city walk around Jewish places related to the history of the Holocaust discussed in the book.
September 6 - November 12 2023
Zbliżenia Kultur Foundation is another organization that took part in the MultiMemo project, implementing a rich program of the 11th edition of the Zbliżenia Jewish Culture Festival.
The festival program, in addition to proposals introducing and promoting Jewish culture, tradition and art, included events focusing on Polish-Jewish-German relations, the position of women in the modern world and the relations and interpenetration of Jewish, Polish and German cultures.Gdańsk
October 26, 2023
Poles of Memory series of meetings. Strategies for rebuilding the identity of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno.
On October 26, 2023, another meeting was held as part of the Poles of Memory series of meetings. Strategies for rebuilding the identity of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno. The meeting was held in the Reform Synagogue in Warsaw to provide a comfortable and noble place to present and start a discussion about possible plans for the future of the Bródno Jewish Cemetery.
Architect Piotr Michalewicz from the Formy Wspólne collective presented a conceptual design for an archive of tombstones made by him and his collaborators for the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno.Warsaw
October 19, 2023
On October 19, 2023, in Łęczna, the Zapomniane Foundation conducted workshops for young people around the burial site of approximately 1,000 Jews from Łęczna. The educational workshops aimed to include and engage school youth in caring for the burial site and encourage them to become part of the process of preparing the commemoration. The workshops were held several weeks before the commemoration ceremony (November 7, 2023), attended by young people and residents of Łęczna, clergy of three denominations, local authorities, representatives of various organizations, descendants of Jews from Łęczna and the Jewish community of Lublin. The youth could see the results of their work and lay stones they made at the monument.
October 17, 2023
On October 17 in Kałuszyn, the Zapomniane Foundation conducted participatory commemoration workshops, the topic of which was commemorating the Jewish history of the city, the Jewish cemetery and the mass grave of Holocaust victims.
The workshops were an attempt to transform the innovative commemorative practice we created – green commemorations – into a participatory event. The event began with a screening of the film “Ukos Światła”, and was followed by a meeting with the descendants of Kałuszyn Jews, Wiktoria Kurtz and her father Artur Kurtz. -
October 15, 2023
Poles of memory. Strategies for rebuilding the identity of the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno.
As part of a series of events around the Jewish cemetery in Bródno, on October 25, workshops were held dedicated to educators, tour guides and specialists dealing with cultural heritage, knowledge about the very specific view of specialists dealing with Jewish cemeteries on this issue. The event began with a walk around the cemetery in Bródno, which was almost completely destroyed. By the post-war regime, it was forgotten and deprived of any traces of the cemetery.
August 25, 2023
As part of Knowledge Mobilization, our partner organization Zapomniane Foundation organized an exhibition on places with difficult heritage – in particular: uncommemorated burial places of Holocaust victims, which are objects of multiple exclusion – as places of the history of Jews and Roma, as burials of civilians, including women and children, etc. The exhibition was presented at the Austrian Cultural Forum as part of the Singer’s Warsaw Festival from August 25, 2023 to September 8, 2023. The exhibition was based on artistic research of these burial places conducted by the Zapomniane Foundation.
June 26 - July 2, 2023
FestivALT – a 10-day festival of Jewish art, activism and education, is another event carried out as part of the MultiMemo project. The program included 24 events: performances, discussions, urban walks, workshops, exhibitions, created by authors and artists from Central and Eastern Europe, America and Canada.
The festival was themed around the notion of intersectional memory with a particular focus on “doykait” – a Yiddish word that can be understood as “Hereness” or the “here and now”. -
June 18, 2023
On June 18, 2023, another event was organized by the partner organization Fundacja Documentacji Cmentarzy Żydowskich, as part of the MultiMemo project, in which we had the honor to participate as partners. This is the first event “Memory poles. Strategies of rebuilding the identity of the Bródno Jewish Cemetery” opened a series of workshops for the local community around the Jewish Cemetery in Bródno.
June 18, 2023
On June 18, 2023, another event was held as part of the MultiMemo project, organized by the partner organization Formy Wspólne, as part of the MultiMemo project: Multidirectional Memory: Remembering Social Justice, in which we had the honor to participate as partners.
The purpose of the event was to gather everyone – individuals, representatives of the administration and social organizations who contributed to the creation of the monument, as well as local residents – to start the next stage of cooperation and discussion on the future of the Memorial and plans for educational and cultural activities to maintain the memory of the archive and its creators – the Oneg Shabbat group. -
May 16, 2023
As part of the MultiMemo project, on May 16, 2023, the Still Standing performative action took place in urban space in Warsaw. The event started in front of the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and ended on the terrace above the Muranów Cinema, located opposite the former great synagogue.
“Still Standing” is a performative activity in which the body is treated as a living sculpture created in relation to a place. The action enters into dialogue with the historical choreography of Israeli choreographer Noa Eshkol, prepared by her for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and presented in 1953 at Kibbutz Lohamei Hageta’ot (Ghetto Fighters) in Israel. -
May 10-11, 2023
In May, a ceremony was held in Zamość to commemorate the burial place of the Jewish family of Mendel, Chajka and Niura in Zrąb, murdered by a German gendarme in their home.
The event was preceded by educational workshops and workshops with students of the 2nd Secondary School in Zamość, during which we prepared a wooden marker in the shape of a matzeva with an inscription along with the names of the victims written by the workshop participants.
After the workshops, we went with the youth to the burial place of a Jewish family in Zrąb, where the ceremony of marking this place with a wooden matzeva took place. -
April 25, 2023
On April 23, 2023, another event was held as part of the MultiMemo project, organized by the partner organization Formy Wspólne. The meeting concerned the cemetery in Bródno – the oldest Jewish necropolis in Warsaw, and the conceptual project of its renovation, namely the exhibition of about 40,000 matzevot, which are currently decaying in the heaps in the central part of the cemetery.
April 16-23, 2023
As part of the Multimemo project, the partner organization Jewish Community Center held the event “Polyphonies of Memory. Inclusive Memory of Warsaw,” commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising from a different perspective than usual. The aim of the event was to listen to and lead a multi-voice narrative woven from the memories of the participants of these events and their descendants. These were discussions, walks, meetings and artistic projects that allowed for a multidimensional experience of the memory of the Ghetto Uprising and the Jewish residents of the city, which we – Warsaw Jews – inherit and carry forward in many ways – as different as we are.
March 2023
In March, a ceremony was held in Tomaszów Lubelski and Pawłówka to commemorate the burial place of three Jewish children: Rywka, Balka and Jankiel, murdered during the Holocaust and buried near their home in Pawłówka. The highlight of the educational workshops was the ceremony of marking this place with a wooden matzeva.
February 19-20, 2023
The first meeting of the MultiMemo project took place on February 19-20, 2023 in Warsaw. Together with the partners of the consortium we discussed the project goals and approach and presented them to a larger audience.